Our Lady Lions will be at home tonight taking on the Iowa Park Lady Hawks in a District 7-3A battle. JV action starts at 4:30 p.m., with the varsity game scheduled for 6 p.m. Head on out to D.O. Fulton Gym and cheer on our Lady Lions!!

Our Vernon Middle School cafeteria crew look over bags of hair nets that Tyson Foods donated to Vernon ISD. The cafeteria at each campus received at least three big bags of hair nets. A big thank you to Tyson Foods for their donation. Vernon ISD appreciates your support.

Our VMS Band Spaghetti Supper fundraiser is tomorrow!!! The supper will begin at 4:30 p.m. and continue until 6:30 p.m., at the Vernon Elementary School Cafeteria.
Dine in or carry out available. Enjoy spaghetti, garlic bread, salad, dessert and water for $10 per ticket. At 7 p.m., the VMS One-Act Play will be presented. Tickets can be purchased at the door, or in advance from 6th and 7th grade band members, and band directors.

Last week Vernon ISD scheduled a Gifted and Talented (GT) meeting for parents to learn more about the program and how week it could benefit their children. We sent flyers home with our elementary and middle school students, and posted information about the meeting on our Facebook and website. We expected and planned for 75 parents -- and only 3 showed up.
We know this is a very busy time of year and the reasons behind this lack of attendance may vary, including conflicting work schedules, transportation challenges, conflicts with a child’s extracurricular activity, a community event, or perhaps a lack of awareness about the significance of this meeting. Maybe VISD encouraging parental involvement through alternative means, such as virtual participation or providing meeting summaries, could help bridge this gap and foster a more collaborative approach between educators and parents.
The low attendance of parents at the after-hour GT meeting raises Vernon ISD’s concerns about the level of engagement in a child's academic journey. Children benefit greatly in the classroom when their parent or guardian are engaged in their education. The meeting last week offered a valuable insight into our district’s newly adopted GT selection criteria and our student's specialized educational needs and progress.
Collaboration is a two-way street and Vernon ISD will continue to search for ways to connect with parents supporting the unique educational requirements of our GT students.

Last week VMS students competed in the UIL Academic contest. Aislyn Williams claimed first place in Social Studies and in Spelling, while Kynsleigh Hamm was first in Ready Writing. Others placing in the Top 6 of their event included: Tyson Qualls, 3rd, Science; Kelsi Burke, 3rd, Editorial Writing; Paw Say, 3rd, Ready Writing; Flor Ortega, 3rd, Ready Writing; Jonathan Fuentes, 4th, Chess Puzzle; Aislyn Williams, 4th, Science; Gabriel Juarez, 4th, Social Studies; Emily Contreras, 4th, Editorial Writing and Maps/Graphs/Charts; Ehpolo Htoo, 5th, Mathematics; Jacobi Pedigo, 5th, Social Studies; Natalee Knight, 6th, Art Smart; William McArthur, 6th, Calculator Applications; Julian Rodriguez, 6th, Calculator Applications; Amari Garcia, 6th, Ready Writing; Carlito Rodriguez, 6th, Social Studies; Aylin Cordova, 6th, Spelling; and Brayden Morgan, 6th, Spelling. Great job to all!! Congratulations!!

Selected as VMS Teachers of the Month for November were 6th Grade -- Hagan Northcutt; 7th Grade -- Robby Spencer; 8th Grade -- Julie Terry; and Specials -- David Garza. Co-Staff Member of the Month were Kimberly Adams and Stacy McGowen. Congratulations to you all!! Thank you for what you do to support our students at VMS!!! We appreciate you!!

Congratulations to VHS graduate Hunter Koch and his roping partner Luke Brown for winning Round 5 in Team Roping at the National Finals Rodeo last night with a blistering time of 3.8 seconds. Hunter is the heeler, while Luke is the header. They are currently fifth in the average at the NFR. In the race for a world title, Hunter is in ninth place for Heelers. Hunter is the son of Shelly Koch, who is an Instructional Coach at VISD. GO HUNTER!! Good luck in next 5 rounds of the NFR!!

After school Tuesday, VISD Supt. Dr. Kermit Ward and VHS Principal Cynthia Jackson took a turn ringing the bells and manning the Salvation Army Red Kettle set up at United. The Salvation Army relies on volunteers to ringing the bells for the Red Kettle campaign, which is conducted between Thanksgiving and Christmas. All the funds raised during the Red Kettle campaign stays right here and helps residents in our community.

Earning Student of the Week recognition for last week were: 6th Grade -- Neveah Castillo & Caleb Sanders; 7th Grade -- Jordyn Briggs & Michael Valverde; and 8th Grade -- Avayah Ramirez & Carlito Rodriguez. Congratulations on a job well done!!! Your photo will be displayed this week on our digital signs and on the digital sign at the Admin Building.

Our VMS Band will be hosting a Spaghetti Supper fundraiser on Friday, Dec. 15 at the Vernon Elementary School Cafeteria. The supper will begin at 4:30 p.m. and continue until 6:30 p.m. Dine in or carry out available. Enjoy spaghetti, garlic bread, salad, dessert and water for $10 per ticket. At 7 p.m., the VMS One-Act Play will be presented. Tickets can be purchased at the door, or in advance from 6th and 7th grade band members, and band directors.

Don't forget our VISD Gifted and Talented Program parent meeting at 6 p.m., tomorrow, Thursday, in the VHS Media Center. This meeting is intended to provide information to parents who are deciding on whether to nominate their child for Gifted and Talented testing. We will have a meeting for parents of identified GT students in the spring. Please contact Amanda Brown at 940-553-1900 ext 2247 with any questions.

The 7th Grade Band was the middle act at the VMS & VHS Band Christmas Concert held last night at the Wilbarger Auditorium. The band performed three songs: "Christmas on the Farm;" "Christmas Fun;" and "The Chipmunk Song."

The 6th Grade Band opened the VMS & VHS Band Christmas Concert last night at the Wilbarger Auditorium. This is our first-year band students and they performed three songs: "Good King Wencesias;" "Jolly Old St. Nicholas;" and "Jingle Bells."

We are hosting a Class 2A, Div. 1 State Semifinal game tomorrow evening. It should be a great game and great weather. Head on out to Leo Brittain Field at Lion Stadium and catch the action. Tickets can be purchased at https://www.vernonisd.org/page/ticket-purchases

Here is a link to the VHS Powerlifting Store. https://shop.signonsigns.com/collections/vernon-powerlifting-pre-order
Wear your powerlifting gear with pride and help raise money for the program.

Here are more photos of the Newton Cradles that students in Mrs. Kelly Boswell's eighth grade science classes designed and created as part of a class project. The students studying Newton's 3 laws of motion, and create these Newton Cradles to demonstrate Newton's 3rd Law (Action-Reaction). Some of the students were very creative.

Here are more photos of the Newton Cradles that students in Mrs. Kelly Boswell's eighth grade science classes designed and created as part of a class project. The students studying Newton's 3 laws of motion, and create these Newton Cradles to demonstrate Newton's 3rd Law (Action-Reaction). Some of the students were very creative.

Mrs. Kelly Boswell's eighth grade science classes are studying Newton's 3 laws of motion, and a class project was to design and create a Newton Cradle to demonstrate Newton's 3rd Law (Action-Reaction). Some of the students were very creative.

Please remember that if you are going to one of our school campuses during school hours, you must have your driver's license or other form of photo ID when you check in at the office. And, you must check in at the office. You will be issued a name tag that must be worn while you are on our campus and returned to the office as you leave the campus. Thank you for understanding and for helping us keep the learning environment for our students and your children a safe place.

Selected as VMS Students of the Week for last week were: 6th Grade -- Olivia Hall (not pictured) & Thony Teng; 7th Grade -- Leah Mena & Jacobi Pedigo; and 8th Grade -- Anabelle Colbert & Blake Haney. Congratulations!! Keep up the good work!! Your picture will be displayed on our digital signs and the digital sign at the Admin Building.