Just in case you need it -- we spring forward tonight night!! Before you go to bed remember to set your clock 1 hour ahead! If you don't, you'll be running behind tomorrow!!

Congratulations to these students who will make up our 2025-26 VMS cheerleading squad!!

Here is the March Newsletter from our VISD Social Worker Nicole Cameron.

For the last couple of week the VMS 6th grade Gifted & Talented students have been researching a vacation destination. The groups then created a travel guide book to help people who would like to visit their destination. They also gave a presentation over their vacation destination.

This will be the Main Event at the Skandar Akbar Memorial Cup being held Saturday, March 29, at D.O. Fulton Gym. Vernon is home to the late legendary wrestler Skandar Akbar and this wrestling event is to honor him. The event, a six-man tag team tournament, is being presented by King of Sports Championship Wrestling. Check out the link to the video and learn more about this exciting event. https://youtu.be/e-bA0Cjs8JQ

We are getting a little head start on our Spring Break, as tomorrow is an Early Release Friday. We hope everyone has a safe, fun and relaxing Spring Break. Classes resume on Monday, March 17.

Vernon ISD will be on Spring Break March 8-16. We hope all of our students and their families, along with our teachers and staff enjoy the break and get the chance to do something fun and relax.
We will return on Monday, March 17, ready to hit the ground running as we close out the 2024-25 school year.

This week, March 2-8, is National School Social Worker Week, and Vernon ISD is lucky to have one of the best in Nicole Cameron. Nicole does an outstanding job covering our campuses and helping students and their families.

Receiving Middle School Student of the Week honors for this week are:
6th Grade -- Sadie Jones & Parker Kieschnick
7th Grade -- Naeveah Castillo & Jayden Romero
8th Grade -- Blakeney Downes & Sean Waggoner (not pictured)
Congratulations!!! We're proud of you!!

Here is the VISD cafeteria menu for March. All of our VISD students are eligible to receive a free breakfast and lunch every school day.

VMS held its drawing yesterday for the virtual reality META Quest headset that was the prize for the 4th Six Weeks Student Attendance Initiative. There was a drawing for each grade and the winners were: 6th Grade -- Evanny Quintero; 7th Grade -- Abel Galvan; and 8th Grade -- Charleigh Cooper. Students earned ticket for the drawing for each week they had perfect attendance during the 4th Six Weeks.

Quick reminder!
Tomorrow is an Early Release Friday for Vernon ISD students.

It is "Pajama For A Purpose Day" tomorrow! Students and staff at all campuses who want to wear their pajama pants (appropriate for school) Thursday may do for a $3 donation. The fundraiser is for a VMS student who lost all of their belongs in a recent house fire. Each campus will have a process in place to collect donations and identify those students who paid to wear their pajama pants.

Our 7th & 8th grade track teams competed in their first meet of the season yesterday in Bowie, and two school records were broken. Caylor Streit broke the 8th Grade Boys 300-meter Hurdle school record by 3 seconds, and Luke Payne broke the 7th Grade Boys 110-meter Hurdle school record. The 7th grade boys won all 3 of the meet relays, while the 8th grade mile relay team finished third.

The Vernon ISD 2025-26 school calendar was approved during last week's VISD School Board meeting. The first day of school for 2025-26 will be Aug. 13. The fall break is set for Oct. 17-20, and school will be dismissed for the entire week of Thanksgiving. The Christmas break will be from Dec. 20 thru Jan. 6, 2026. Next year's spring break is scheduled for March 7-15, 2026, and the last day of school will be May 21, 2026.

Ready for America’s 250th in Washington, D.C.?
Tonight’s the night!
The info meeting for the 2026 Washington, D.C., Gettysburg, and Williamsburg trip for current seventh-graders will be held tonight at 6 PM in the Vernon Middle School library.
This is your final reminder to register: https://bit.ly/3CDUU9a. Registration is mandatory to attend.
Interested in the trip, but can’t make the meeting? Register “No, but send me more info.”

Time is running out to nominate your favorite Vernon ISD teacher in the Red River Best Chevy Dealers Teacher Appreciation Contest. Students, parents, residents and teachers can go online and nominate their choice for Outstanding Teacher!! The deadline is this Friday, Feb. 28.

All VISD students and staff can be extra comfortable Thursday as it is "Pajama For A Purpose Day!" Students and staff at all campuses who want to wear their pajama pants (appropriate for school) Thursday may do for a $3 donation. The fundraiser is for a VMS student who lost all of their belongs in a recent house fire.

Hopefully this week Vernon ISD will have more of a regular, normal week. However, there are no classes tomorrow for a teacher workday, and Friday is one of the district's early release Fridays. We hope everyone is enjoying this nice weather! Definitely better than last week's frigid temperatures.

Vernon Middle School seventh graders going to Washington, D.C., Gettysburg, and Williamsburg in the year of America’s 250th!
We’re excited to see so many families already registered for the info meeting on Tuesday, Feb., 25th! If you haven’t already, make sure to let us know you’re coming: https://bit.ly/3CDUU9a.
This is an amazing opportunity for your student to explore outside their comfort zone and build skills for the future. Hope to see you there!