CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR ROARIN' LION BAND!! Yesterday, the Vernon Roarin' Lion Band competed in the Region 7 UIL Concert & Sight Reading Contest in Wichita Falls. The band earned a Division 2 (Excellent) rating on the Concert stage, with their 3 prepared Concert selections ("Moscow, 1941" "Zig Zag" and "The Lone Eagle March"). The band then entered the Sight Reading room and after looking at an entire piece of music for only 7 minutes, they performed that piece of music ("Bozeman Trails") and earned a Division 1 (Superior) rating and earned a Class "B" plaque to signify their Division 1 rating in one of the two contest areas. Congratulations to co-band directors Aaron Burr and Dianne Koch, and to all the members of the Roarin' Lion Band. You make us PROUD!!!
10 months ago, Vernon ISD
vhs band
While work continues on getting the Vernon ISD/Child Care Partners Daycare Center ready to open later this spring, the facility received its first major donation Thursday afternoon. The $10,000 donation was from Atmos Energy and was presented to Child Care Partners Executive Director Keri Goins and Vernon ISD Assistant Principal Blaise Boswell by Atmos representative Pam Hughes-Pak. To read more about the facility, including information on a hiring fair, please follow this link:
10 months ago, Vernon ISD
atmos donation child care
Today Vernon Elementary School, Vernon Middle School and Vernon High School each held a student assembly on their campuses. The focus was on bullying, with guest speaker Vance Morris. Mr. Morris is a retired educator who was, himself, bullied in school while he was growing up.
11 months ago, Vernon ISD
Today is Paraprofessional Appreciation Day! We have paraprofessionals at each campus who help our students and our teachers with hundreds of things, and sometimes it may seem like that help goes unnoticed. But, we notice and appreciate all of you each and every day! Our "paras" play a role in Vernon ISD's success!
11 months ago, Vernon ISD
paraprofessional day
The VHS tennis team competed in the Amarillo Relays Tennis Tournament last Thursday and brought home two Top 3 finishes. Kell Castleberry captured the Boys Singles championship, while the doubles team of Christopher Martinez and Matthew Goodrum finished second in Boys Doubles. Great job guys!!! Congrats!!
11 months ago, Vernon ISD
kell amarillo
doubles amarillo
Here is our cafeteria menu for April.
11 months ago, Vernon ISD
cafeteria april menu
Tuesday was School Assistant Principals Day and we apologize for being a day late in recognizing our AMAZING assistant principals. Sometimes the duties and responsibilities of being an assistant principal aren't the easiest to handle, but Vernon ISD has assistant principals who handle everything in a professional and calm manner, and who are always focused on what is best for their students. Thank you for all you do at your campus and throughout the district!
11 months ago, Vernon ISD
assistant principals day
Last week our VMS track teams competed in the District 7-3A Junior High Track & Field Meet, and our 8th grade boys' team captured the 8th Grade Division team championship. To check out how our boys fared at the district meet, please follow this link:
11 months ago, Vernon ISD
8th grade boys track
Congratulations to our six Students of the Week for last week. Selected for the the honor were: 6th Grade -- Praylee Patterson & Alexavier Maxwell; 7th Grade -- Leah Diekmann & Moo Say; and 8th Grade -- A'myah Allen & Mu Soe. Great job everyone!! Keep up the good work!!
11 months ago, Vernon ISD
vms studentsofweek32
We would like to wish all of our VISD students and their families, along with our teachers, our staff and our trustees a Happy Easter.
11 months ago, Vernon ISD
easter post
The Lions Roar Golf Scramble is set for Saturday, April 20. The deadline to register in order to receive your special gift is Monday. The final deadline has been extended until April 13. Don't wait!!! We're limited to the first 18 teams and we only have a few spots left!!
11 months ago, Vernon ISD
Vernon ISD will be closed Friday thru Monday for Easter. Classes and VISD Administrative offices will resume regular hours on Tuesday, April 2. We hope everyone has a wonderful 4-day weekend and a Happy Easter!
11 months ago, Vernon ISD
happy easter
🦁OKLAUNION POWER STATION🦁 🌟Thank you, Oklaunion Power Station, for your sponsorship of the Lions Roar Golf Scramble! Your support epitomizes the vital link between our school and community. By investing in our town and school's future, you positively impact the lives of around 2,000 students, teachers, and staff in the Vernon ISD community. Together, through strong partnerships like yours, we can nurture a thriving educational environment that uplifts the entire community. 📆 Rally your team of four and secure your spot today! Contact Hillcrest Country Club at 552-5406 or reach out to Kori Eakin at Vernon ISD: dial 553-1900 ext. 2229. Hurry, the deadline to enter is April 1, 2024.🏌️‍♂️
11 months ago, Vernon ISD
OPS logo golf tourney
It's still not too late to register for the VMS Lion Pride Color Run that will be held tomorrow. Just wear a t-shirt you don't mind getting color sprayed on it. Check-in starts at 5 p.m. at the Vernon College/Red River Valley Museum parking lot. The 1K starts at 6 p.m., with the 5K to start at 6:15 p.m. You can also register the day of the event at check in.
11 months ago, Vernon ISD
We are excited to introduce our VMS cheerleaders for the 2024-25 school year. They are (from left to right) Caylee Streit, Koral Grace, Jaelle Guerrero, Charleigh Cooper, Praylee Patterson, Trista Lehman, Bryn Gardner, Payzlee Brannon, Maribell Lagunas, Sophia Trejo, Kynsleigh Hamm, Brynlee Disbrow, and mascot Lezah Lee (center). Not pictured is Olivia Hall.
11 months ago, Vernon ISD
vms 2024-25 cheerleaders
This morning there was an incident at Vernon Middle School concerning a firearm being found in a student's locker. Please read the attached statement from Vernon ISD Supt. Dr. Kermit Ward concerning the incident.
11 months ago, Vernon ISD
firearm incident
Receiving Student of the Week honors this week are: 6th Grade -- Kenli Kajs & Tyler Bohannon; 7th Grade -- Crystal Ruelas & Ruben Ochoa; and 8th Grade -- Arianna Granados & Tyce Payne. Congratulations! Keep up the good work!!
11 months ago, Vernon ISD
VMS sow week 31
🦁UES🦁 🌟We are excited to spotlight UES as a sponsor for our annual Lions Roar Golf Scramble! UES are experts in the areas of environmental and earth sciences, sustainable infrastructure solutions, and geophysical technologies. They identify and solve complex engineering and construction challenges by providing personalized engineering, environmental, testing and inspection services. 🏫 Their unwavering commitment to cultivating partnerships is truly admirable, as evidenced by their support for initiatives like ours! We extend our heartfelt gratitude to UES for their impact on the lives of approximately 2,000 students, teachers, and staff within the Vernon ISD community! 📆 Experience camaraderie, meaningful networking, and a chance to make a difference in our community! Rally your team of four and secure your spot today in the Lions Roar Golf Tournament! Contact Hillcrest Country Club at 552-5406 or reach out to Kori Eakin at Vernon ISD: dial 553-1900 ext. 2229. Hurry, the deadline to enter is April 1, 2024.🏌️‍♂️
11 months ago, Vernon ISD
UES logo
Four Vernon ISD school campuses -- McCord, Central, Vernon Elementary and Middle School -- are designated as public storm shelters. The storm shelters are opened when we receive word from the county. Schools are not opened to the public during school hours. No animals will be allowed in the shelters. We are unable to use Shive at this time due to the building no longer having water.
11 months ago, Vernon ISD
A quick reminder -- check out the Vernon Roarin' Lion Band Program BBQ Fundraiser tomorrow!!
11 months ago, Vernon ISD
band bbq flyer